
13 Juli 2012

Sweet Escape

On Last June me and Abi went to Jogya, it's such short trip cause Abi can't get for free day off. On Friday afternoon we already at Gubeng train station and Sunday at noon we already get back :(,, a little bit hurry and express but trully quality time. 

Jogya always has own story, with the unique of history,old building and story behind, i love the air, the people and most the food of course heheheh ( and success make me forgot for diet :D ). We visit Keraton Jogya ( The Kingdom of ancient Jogya ) , Taman Sari ( this place for the King and Queen for relax and spa and bathing place ) and the last is Prambanan Temple. We used for Jogyabustrans and becak when we're in Jogya,, it's really good for sightseeing even we have spent much money for it,, but trust me, It's worthed :-).

Below some pictures represent our happines hehehehhe. 

20 April 2012

You're My Everything

April 18th,2012 at 08.00 pm

Me : " Gimana ya Abi rasanya dapet rejeki nomplok 1 Milyar ( *setelah baca selebaran undian suatu Bank,   sambil ngebayangin duitnya kalo menang  u Haji,buka butik,travelling Luar Negri :D ) "

Abi : " Biasa aj, Abi udah punya harta yang tdk ternilai harganya "

Me : "  *Muka antusias bolak balik selebaran, " oh ya kah apaan tuh ?, masih tetep sibuk dan serius baca kertas tipis di meja

Abi : " Ini harta  abi yang tidak ternilai harganya *sambil pegang tangan aku "  Meski kadang jorok karena males mandi,keras kepala,suka pake daster klo dirumah, suka ngeyel, tapi jika gak ada bunda, Abi rasanya seperti tersesat, tidak tahu harus berbuat apa,dan merasa kosong "  *mukanya lempeng tanpa ekspresi

Me : " * jleb,, speechless,,melongo,,don't know what to say "

Abi : " You're My Everything bunda, *kali ini sambil senyum manis hehehhe "

Me : " langsung deh aq bales, Love you always Abi " 

Selanjut nya berpelukan kayak di film Teletubbies dan selanjutnya ehhmm ngapain ya,, ( yang dilakukan oleh suami istri yang baru menikah di tengah situasi romantis hehehhe ) 

Abi orang yang notabene sedikit romantis dan aku yang dari jaman masih orok, tidak ada romantis2 nya, cuek dan alergi sama romantis :D ( *padahal juga suka nonton drama korea ), tapi akhirnya kita bisa belajar untuk saling menghormati dan menghargai.

Wosca Gathering VI


Alhamdulilah i'm back darling heeeheheh, after almost 3 months i haven't write anything, it such a lot of things happen, oh dear time flies so fast lately, don't you think so?. On last Feb i'm getting married, Alhamdulilah finally :D, i;m legally called Mrs now xixixi ( will post this later ). And also i've been busy with my college that getting harder in time hiks hiks hiks, well that's life, this is what i like and take, so will also take the risk. Life prettier the same as last, busy with work and En-Ye Hijab,newlywed things, more big family ( from Abi's family ).

On Last week i've been coming for Wosca Gathering VI, poor me i pass for gathering twice, cause of married things and some other reason. Really glad with atmospher of the place ( at Mango Terrace),sisterhood,togetherness and happines for sure.Wosca also give me a Wedding gift with a little surprise game ( dancing with funny and silly belly shake, but this is really fun ) i haven't dance since i'm at senior high school ( for the record i'm a good dancer when i'm young hehehhe ). And finally below for the pict of the gathering, ( sorry this  all photos are courtesy of Wosca fan page cause i forgot bring my camera ).

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With Mba Ria, she's always give me a ride to Gathering

Yeahhh let's dance beibehhh

With Mrs Lilies Rolina, Wosca Founder 

Alhamdulilah got some gift, Many thank you Wosca 

Oh yeahh, this is organizer team for next month Wosca Gathering ( a.k.a Arisan winner :D, Alhamdulilah )

Neng Sugar